Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

Grandmother must be take many medicines

The grandmother Yuliana, is sick and must be take many medicines every day and now is very confused because don't have money.
Grandmother Yuliana is sick
Yuliana Dulumina, born in Lalong Island, Central of Sulawesi, Indonesia on 06 March 1937 and now she is 77 years old and lives is in Airmadidi
Grandmother Yuliana has two mans : Chris and Frans and two womens : Theresia and Cicilia.
The children had married and her husband was dead many times ago.
Grandmother Yuliana doesn’t have a work and she’s old and still sick.
She has diabetics and rheumatism.
Every month she goes to the hospital in the city for buy some medicines by herself.
The medicines is much expensive and should be take every day.
Her hoping if someday, there is someone who can help her to relieve the cost of treatment is very happy.
[Click on read more to see the original text in Italian and other photos...]

Students must to thank Providence

A piece of the wall is fallen
Really starts to be a truly great, including the construction of the school and the guest house for students in Airmadidi there is always some urgent work to do.
In fact, it happens that fall of the wall pieces, as you can see from the picture, or you have to paint or repair metal roofs because when there is strong wind that often yield the nails.
Meanwhile, the students are increasing in number and this makes us really happy to say that the work we are doing is giving its first results.
We thank Providence for the many things that gives us every day.
[Click on read more to see the text in Italian language and other photo...]

Marcel a special people

Marcel and daughter Verencia
Marcel works on his uncle's small boat and he was really valuable for us. 
We did learn about all the smallest details of the island Batang Dua and concomitantly spent these ten unforgettable days. 
Marcel and is married with Leni and have a daughter Verencia two years. 
They live in a small wooden house and are busy in the church and in the community
He's a point of reference for all and are happy to present them and make them known to all.
[Click read more for see other picture and for original in italy language...]

One great wealth: life

One great wealth: life
There is one great wealth: life
Who has so much money he thinks he can buy everything and really live your life, but remember that good you do not buy, offers opening your heart to those who need it, just so you can say, "I am rich" and giving discover how life is wonderful because when your heart and happy, you're the most happy people in this world
In fact, trying to look good who has a lot of money and can not donate, share, watch them well. 
Look at them in the eyes, some have nice clothes, off-road, villas all over the world, all to fashion, nothing out of place, but they are poisonous. 
I could have millions of jewelry, money and current accounts to the stars, but if you do not who will warm your heart every day continue to be the people most poor of this world
When your heart is happy, you are the most happy people in this world.

C'è una sola grande ricchezza: la vita.
Chi possiede tanti soldi pensa di poter comprare tutto e di vivere davvero la vita, ma ricorda che il bene non si compra, si offre aprendo il tuo cuore a chi ne ha bisogno, solo cosi puoi dire: "sono ricco" e donando scopri quanto é meravigliosa la vita perchè quando il tuo cuore e’ felice, tu sei la persona piú contenta di questo mondo.
Infatti prova a guardare bene chi ha tanti soldi e non sa donare, condividere, guardali bene. 
Guardali negli occhi...certo, hanno dei bei vestiti, fuoristrada, ville in ogni parte del mondo, tutto alla moda, niente fuori posto, ma sono velenosi.
Potrei avere milioni di gioielli, soldi e conti correnti alle stelle, ma se non hai chi ti scalda il cuore ogni giorno continuerai ad essere la persona piú povera di questo mondo. 
Quando il tuo cuore è felice, tu sei la persona piú contenta di questo mondo.

The children are all of artists

The children are all of artists
It's nice to see, being with children and immerse themselves in their world, discover why so many things that you need every day to live happy then.
In fact, all children are artists, the hard part is to remain so when you grow up.
Children and nature are the jewels of life is for us to keep it that way and give them their proper value and that's why it is a pleasure to work with them because they push you to the simplicity and naturalness.
A child can not make it sit too long in a certain way or do things you do not like them because it is capable with a few words to tell you how to really think.
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