Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

We want to help Margianti

Today I begin to introduce various children on the island of Batang Dua and their family situation.
What you see in the picture is Margianti Bales and his last year of primary school and in her arms was her brother Junior who had already presented.
He has two other brothers, one who attends the eighth grade and another that is not the biggest and he continued his studies in high school and help her mother with the housework and three times a week to work with the father in the fields.
We have taken to heart this little girl and we told the mother that we want to help her continue her studies.
[Click on read more to see the text in Italian language...]

Educate and communicate

Educate and communicate: Regina's family in Indonesia
So many times we talk about education and seek the best terms to compile them and analyze the value on subjects various methods to achieve a healthy and successful education
But a few times does not approach the issue of education, the importing of communicating that in my opinion should be put more a theme and analyzed to better understand how to best educate
In fact, today it seems difficult to communicate, because communication means get out of the self, from their safeties, and begin to compare with those around you, remaining available and open. 
In fact, the educational communication is not just an exchange of technical information, but is entering into a relationship with others that is a deep commitment, a conscious responsibility to the formation and growth of the other.
[Clicca read more: per vedere il testo in italiano...]

School life

School life
The task of the school is to teach what is good, to spread harmony, to explain the meaning of the values. 
We parents, educators, teachers do not have to settle for sending their children to school, but that must accompany them in their studies, and we build day by day in the awareness that kids at school are not going to win a diploma, but to prepare for life, broadening the mind and the heart and educating impartial observation of the world with particular attention to the respect, equality and tolerance.

Il compito della scuola è di insegnare che cosa è bello, di divulgare l'armonia, di spiegare il senso dei valori.
Noi genitori, educatori, insegnanti non dobbiamo accontentarci di mandare i figli a scuola, ma bisogna che li accompagniamo negli studi, e costruiamo giorno per giorno nei ragazzi la consapevolezza che a scuola si va non per conquistare un diploma, ma per prepararsi alla vita, allargando la mente e il cuore ed educando all’osservazione imparziale del mondo con un’attenzione particolare al rispetto, all’uguaglianza e alla tolleranza.

Every vocation is special

Every vocation is special
"Mom, Dad I have to talk..." are words that, spoken with a certain tone, shudder, put a little bit of anxiety and shakes the wrists. 
Moments of communication important for sons and daughters who open their hearts and their projects to the people they care... "I decided to enter the convent," "I found the right person for me and I decided to get married..." . 
Every vocation that you share becomes for the listener a moment to stop and say, "My son or daughter is growing and is able to choose...".
Dear Parents, be happy when your son or daughter choose, every choice is the result of a personal journey that should not be diminished at all, rather they must applauded and helped to carry on with serenity.

Being a parents today

Being a parent today
In a society where values ​​and cultural references are numerous and styles of behavior, relationships, consumer, have become increasingly different, sometimes even contradictory to each other, it can be difficult for new generations to find a way to build a coherent own path identity. 
And the adults that are increasingly unlikely to appeal to the traditional concept of authority, as to be able to help their children do not feel lost in the face of life's difficulties? 
I'm just saying that parents need to learn to draw the rails for balanced growth, and at the same time learn how to get involved constructing various educational scenarios that then you share with other people who like us are called to live the experience of being a parents and educator.


I leave you a few sentences that speak of the issue of education:
Educate is not what the teacher gives, but is a natural process that takes place spontaneously in the human, it is not acquired by listening to words, but by virtue of the experiences made in the environment.
The task of the teacher is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives of cultural activity in a specially prepared environment.
(M. Montessori)
We often speak of the influence of the example, but we forget that we give an example to the children all the time and not only when we intend to do.
(S. Isaacs)
To raise a child it takes a whole village.
(Indonesian proverb)
The great wrong of educators is that young people will like what they like to old age or maturity; youth that life does not differ from mature, you want to abolish the difference of tastes and desires, that he wants the teachings, commands and the force of necessity, suppliscano experience.
(G. Leopardi)
The school should make good use of these sentences.


Realise your dreams

I'm convinced that every child entrusted to us in the school must find people who are attentive to its growth and educate him in a positive way making him understand that in life you should never lose hope, you should never stop believing and above: never stop dreaming and trying to achieve their dreams.

Realise your dreams

The smiles of children

The kindergarten children
Getting lost in the smile of a child who has nothing else to offer, you realize that's all you need!
And it is precisely that smile, and that I was given for free, that makes you say, what can I do for you?
And the school becomes a place where vital to give the right answers and grow that smile, helping him not to go out, giving him the power of knowledge.

Children are the future of the world

The children do not know the distances, if they love they do it with your heart and if they fight only lasts a few minutes, because children understand the meaning of friendship and respect him more than adults.
We make sure that everyone can have a chance to study and continue as adults to build a world that respects, loves and knows how to give.

School is important for every child

Guest in a school Smk Baramuli

In these photos, taken in August, you can see the Italian guests who have encountered the director of the school Smk Baramuli in Airmadidi and have been around for classes, meeting with students and professors in an atmosphere of warmth and joy typical of Indonesia.

Guest and Professor in Smk Baramuli
Meeting director and guest in Smk Baramuli

Caping Day

Every year this is a party for a caping day and every student for akper have a caping and is very happy and want to be a good nurses.

Caping day

Prepare a party for caping day

Their hats on


William was a kind-hearted boy, a single child and have high ideals.
He lived with a mother who doted on her.
Her father had died and she wanted to continue her study in the school: university but his mother does not have money.
Hopefully he has a better future than today....!.

Vision-Mission: Sunflower Association

1. Many students who want to go to college but no costs.
2. Many students who have the skills / intelligence in a way want to deepen in college.
3. Parents living in poverty / not have parents.

1. Helping student who are not able to go to the university / college.
2. Helping the needs of child, start from school costs, stationery, then, rental house, etc.
Regulations for students:
1. The student must be serious to school.
2. Students must have a statement about not being able to continue their study.
3. Funds from donors are paid directly into the account of the Sunflower Association

The funding includes school costs, school stationery, etc..
4. Request from the student costs to the Foundation, must be asked based Draft Needs.

5. Students have to take time to meet with donors who helped them, when donors come to Indonesia.

Student and Music
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