The family and work |
Observing families in Indonesia I 'm realizing that the family is the first place where every children learns the meaning of work.
I learn at least twice :
1 . Seeing her parents work.
2 . Through the "work" that takes place within the family.
On this aspect does not speak much in our western culture if not in reflections negative impact on children labor or slavery, yet it represents a milestone in the development of the boy, growing up knowing the joys and difficulties of human and material of labor within the life family.
Another very positive thing is the involvement of families, staying together and you really feel that families are not alone.
There is, first of all a community of reference and then a civil and political society.
All this from the opportunity to have moments of sharing, joy and help, I think it can also be used to style the western try to stop and think about these simple aspects.
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