Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

The family and work

The family and work
Observing families in Indonesia I 'm realizing that the family is the first place where every children learns the meaning of work.
I learn at least twice :
1 . Seeing her parents work.
2 . Through the "work" that takes place within the family.
On this aspect does not speak much in our western culture if not in reflections negative impact on children labor or slavery, yet it represents a milestone in the development of the boy, growing up knowing the joys and difficulties of human and material of labor within the life family.
Another very positive thing is the involvement of families, staying together and you really feel that families are not alone.
There is, first of all a community of reference and then a civil and political society.
All this from the opportunity to have moments of sharing, joy and help, I think it can also be used to style the western try to stop and think about these simple aspects.
[Cliccate read more per vedere il testo originale in lingua italiana...]

Love life

Love life
The life should be lived to the end, because it's wonderful. 
We need from birth petting, affection, attention from others. 
In fact, the attention of the people close to us is very exciting because it gives us security and greater awareness of our way of being and acting also towards others, the environment and society. 
Sometimes life puts us on the way the human strain, the children is growing well and is resistant to all weathers of life if it is supported by the love of parents and the positive lessons which will take received will bring them with you for a lifetime.
[Cliccate read more per vedere il testo originale in lingua italiana...]

School life

School life
The task of the school is to teach what is good, to spread harmony, to explain the meaning of the values. 
We parents, educators, teachers do not have to settle for sending their children to school, but that must accompany them in their studies, and we build day by day in the awareness that kids at school are not going to win a diploma, but to prepare for life, broadening the mind and the heart and educating impartial observation of the world with particular attention to the respect, equality and tolerance.

Il compito della scuola è di insegnare che cosa è bello, di divulgare l'armonia, di spiegare il senso dei valori.
Noi genitori, educatori, insegnanti non dobbiamo accontentarci di mandare i figli a scuola, ma bisogna che li accompagniamo negli studi, e costruiamo giorno per giorno nei ragazzi la consapevolezza che a scuola si va non per conquistare un diploma, ma per prepararsi alla vita, allargando la mente e il cuore ed educando all’osservazione imparziale del mondo con un’attenzione particolare al rispetto, all’uguaglianza e alla tolleranza.

One great wealth: life

One great wealth: life
There is one great wealth: life
Who has so much money he thinks he can buy everything and really live your life, but remember that good you do not buy, offers opening your heart to those who need it, just so you can say, "I am rich" and giving discover how life is wonderful because when your heart and happy, you're the most happy people in this world
In fact, trying to look good who has a lot of money and can not donate, share, watch them well. 
Look at them in the eyes, some have nice clothes, off-road, villas all over the world, all to fashion, nothing out of place, but they are poisonous. 
I could have millions of jewelry, money and current accounts to the stars, but if you do not who will warm your heart every day continue to be the people most poor of this world
When your heart is happy, you are the most happy people in this world.

C'è una sola grande ricchezza: la vita.
Chi possiede tanti soldi pensa di poter comprare tutto e di vivere davvero la vita, ma ricorda che il bene non si compra, si offre aprendo il tuo cuore a chi ne ha bisogno, solo cosi puoi dire: "sono ricco" e donando scopri quanto é meravigliosa la vita perchè quando il tuo cuore e’ felice, tu sei la persona piú contenta di questo mondo.
Infatti prova a guardare bene chi ha tanti soldi e non sa donare, condividere, guardali bene. 
Guardali negli occhi...certo, hanno dei bei vestiti, fuoristrada, ville in ogni parte del mondo, tutto alla moda, niente fuori posto, ma sono velenosi.
Potrei avere milioni di gioielli, soldi e conti correnti alle stelle, ma se non hai chi ti scalda il cuore ogni giorno continuerai ad essere la persona piú povera di questo mondo. 
Quando il tuo cuore è felice, tu sei la persona piú contenta di questo mondo.

The children are all of artists

The children are all of artists
It's nice to see, being with children and immerse themselves in their world, discover why so many things that you need every day to live happy then.
In fact, all children are artists, the hard part is to remain so when you grow up.
Children and nature are the jewels of life is for us to keep it that way and give them their proper value and that's why it is a pleasure to work with them because they push you to the simplicity and naturalness.
A child can not make it sit too long in a certain way or do things you do not like them because it is capable with a few words to tell you how to really think.

Donate with hearts

Marco (Italy) with a children
The more you give and the more you get, this is the rule.
If you do not believe me, try for a while, your life will be new.
Donate because you want to.
Donate because you love her.
Donate because it makes you feel light and free.
It also gives no why.
Do not look for a profit, do not expect this and never will see, every thank you, every gesture recognition, each hand extended towards you, every glance of approval and affection, for you will be a great little miracle of life.
There are many difficult situations and every small gesture of solidarity, made with the hearts, it can really do great things.

The labyrinth of life

If you enter a labyrinth know that there is only one way out, but do not know which of the many ways that open up before you from time to time lead you . 
The important is groping, trying again and again. 
When you find a blocked road you have to go back and take another. 
Sometimes the way that seems easier is not the right one, sometimes when you think you are closer to your goal, you're still far away and just a misstep to return to the starting point. 
You have a lot of patient, never let appearances deceive, do, as they say, one step at a time and in front of the forks, when you are not able to calculate the right choice, but you are forced to take risks, be ready to go back. 
There never Throw headlong action, which does not suffer passively the situation, but we coordinate actions, you make thoughtful choices, we propose to us, by way of hypothesis, intermediate goals, except to correct the route on the way to adapt the means to the end to recognize the wrong and to abandon them once they are recognized.

The labyrinth of life

Every people is precious

Every people is precious, whoever he is.
A man is not worth much to the success of their actions or personal fulfillment, but for his own life and feelings which he lives.
Some succeed and some fail, someone becomes famous and someone else is hidden, who lives and who long for a while, but each has an immense value in eternity that already has begun to live, and live.
The man was born blind and has to slowly learn to see, but unfortunately many times while being able to see it still does not look, when he kills or uses violence when he declares war on the other, the stranger does not know or does not want to look at the history and beauty of those who cross the street.
Sorry mate, if you look carefully many times I do not know the magic and the mystery of life that flows around me.

Every individual is precious

Realise your dreams

I'm convinced that every child entrusted to us in the school must find people who are attentive to its growth and educate him in a positive way making him understand that in life you should never lose hope, you should never stop believing and above: never stop dreaming and trying to achieve their dreams.

Realise your dreams

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